

Here is a list of example Challenges and the game events that would be needed to complete them

Reach 10 kills in 1 game

Option 1

Send an event when the match ends, including a trait of the number of total kills the player got.

  "event": "GameEnd",
  "traits": {
    "kills": 14,

Configure the Challenge mission to look for at least one "GameEnd" event, where the trait "kills" is at least 10.

Event: "GameEnd",
Filter by: "kills" >= 10
Complete when: No. of events >= 1

Score at least 1,000, 3 games in a row

Option 1

Send an event when the match ends, including a trait of the final score.

  "event": "GameOver",
  "traits": {
    "score": 1250,

Configure the Challenge mission to look for at least three consecutive "GameOver" events, where the trait "score" is at least 1,000.

Event: "GameOver",
Filter by: "score" >= 1000
Complete when: No. of consecutive events >= 3

Win a match without using any Legendary characters

Option 1

Send an event when a player wins a match, including traits for all available character tiers, stating the number of of characters used for each one.

  "event": "MatchWon",
  "traits": {
    "noOfLegendary": 0,
    "noOfEpic": 3,
    "noOfRare": 2,
    "noOfCommon": 0

Configure the Challenge mission to look for at least one "MatchWon" event where the trait "noOfLegendary" is equal to 0.

Event: "MatchWon",
Filter by: "noOfLegendary" = 0
Complete when: No. of events >= 1

Option 2

Send an event when a match is over, including traits for the match result and include the number of of character tiers that were used.

  "event": "MatchEnd",
  "traits": {
    "result": "win",
    "noOfEpic": 3,
    "noOfRare": 2

Configure the Challenge mission to look for at least one "MatchEnd" event where the trait "result" is "win" and the trait "noOfLegendary" does not exist.

Event: "MatchEnd",
Filter by: "result" = "win" AND "noOfLegendary" does not exist
Complete when: No. of events >= 1

More examples to compete

We will be adding more examples of challenges and possible ways to implement them, so stay tuned. If you have a specific challenge you want to ask about, please reach out to us at